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My work strives to capture the beauty of nature with a close attention to light and shadow. Florals are a subject I always find myself coming back to simply for the reason that I can never fully absorb how beautiful they are. As flowers sit before me, and I attempt to capture their beauty I begin to forget about petals and stems, rather, I simply see colour, shape, and light allowing myself to appreciate its most basic forms. Painting for me is always experimentational; when I begin, I never know what I am doing, and when I finish, I don’t know how I have done it. It’s a process where I keep following my instinct without thinking about how it’s going to end. As I shape every petal and leaf with paint, I remember God, and when I remember God, I remember my purpose in this life, and I hope that the viewer will remember theirs.  

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"And the earth - we spread it out and cast therein firmly set mountains and made grow therein something of every beautiful kind. Giving insight and a reminder for every servant who turns to Allah"

The Quran 50:7-8

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500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

(647) 786-7466

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